22.Apr.2011 Gift Gaffes

REMINDER! To enter for your chance to win the Yes To Carrots gift set, simply leave a comment on any of my entries. Be sure to use your name and e-mail address in your contact information. The names will be written on pieces of paper, mixed and chosen randomly. The results will be announced MAY 1ST.



My girl has been awfully excited lately about the arrival of what she claimed were gifts for me. Naturally I assumed the gifts would be edible, or some sort of attractive hat that I could wear to impress all of my associates. Well the day finally came, and my girl arrived with a freshly opened box and a smile of questionable intent. Impress my associates? HA!



Who am I going to impress with waterbottle shoulder-pads? I mean really, sometimes a horse just has to put his hoof down. Repeatedly. She also got me a new cantlebag, which has even more waterbottles! I’m about one farmer’s tan away from having a Big Gulp full of Mountain Dew strapped to my withers.

… Still, upon closer look at the drink holster breast collar, the rest of it is pretty nice. The leather and the hardware are of nice quality, and I suppose it’s true that my coat is so slick and shiny that sometimes my saddle slips back. There are some downsides to beauty. Do you really think that I get away with being this handsome without any repercussions?



Chest shot! I’ll see how long I can have this picture online before it attracts so much web traffic that I have to pull it down.



  • P.S. The waterbottle Aussie breast collar can be found here!





There are 9 Comments to "Gift Gaffes"

  • Valentino says:

    Nice new wardrobe elements – they do complement your fine coat in the chesty shot ;) Super cool how you’re sticking your tongue out in the second picture there – you are a clever horse Eagle.

    Happy to be entered in any kind of contest, but a carrot contest is even better. Thanks for stopping by my blog – glad we found each other. Is there a way to follow you? I can’t always find that function on non-blogger blogs.

    • Eagle says:

      Thank you. I have another trick where I pin my ears whenever my girl lifts her camera to her eye. It’s hilarious!

      I will have to research following options for WordPress. I believe that there is a way to follow on google? I do not know how that works yet though. Blogger is certainly more convenient in the sense of keeping in touch with barn buddies.

  • Alyssa says:

    I am thoroughly enjoying this blog, Eagle! Thank you for taking the time to talk to us less-regal creatures.

  • Melissa says:

    This is my new favorite blog!

    P.S. I would like to be included in the running for the contest.

    • Eagle says:

      Thank you for the support Ms. Godin. Your name will certainly be entered into the contest pool.

  • Salem says:


    I miss making ugly faces with you like we did when we were camping. Next time we get together I’ll teach you my mouth noise. People love it! I know when I do it Lorie can’t stop talking about it. She loves it that much.

  • Max says:

    LOL! Mountain Dew! Dude – you should try Coke instead. Like, I’m going to try to get my girl to buy a Coke bottle to hang with my iPod when I take her around the arena.